How many days is the delivery time ?
Please inquiry to our sales for details because the production schedule and the stock condition is different depend on the quantity and timing of purchase order.
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What is continuous usable temperature ?
260℃ by HGS series and 230℃ by HAS series.
The product line up is only introduced in catalogue or homepage ?
Please inquiry to our sales representative for details because only main products are introduced in catalogue or homepage.
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What is the maximum width of products ?
Depend on the products.
The typical maximum width of products are introduced in the page of HONDAFLH® FABRIC so please confirm that.
Please inquiry to our sales representative if an eligible products are not introduced.
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What is continuous usable temperature ?
260℃ in the case of HGS series.
230℃ in the case of HAS series.
What kind of the method of belt splicing do you have ?
We have various method of belt splicing.
The most common is Lap joint.
The superior the flat surface of belt is Flat joint.
The easy to put on and take off is NL joint.
The aplicapable to mesh type is Weaving joint.
Please inquiry to our sales representative and we suggest the method of belt splicing to meet your working condition.
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What is the available minimum pully diameter ?
Depend on the belt material or method of belt splicing.
Please inquiry to our sales representative for details.
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Do you install the belt to the machine and prepaire the belt ?
Please feel free to inquiry to our construction service.
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What temprature is heat resistance ?
The heat resistance of all type HAT-F, S, P series are 200℃.
Do you manufacture the adhesive tape that is specified width ?
We can slit it to the specified width.
Please inquiry to our sales representative if you require the specified dimentions because you might need to accept the lot orders.
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